Our Board

Gail Hutchinson - Chair

Missional Spirituality Consultant – Wycliffe Bible Translator (retired)

Gail Hutchinson and her husband John were members of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA for 47 years (1976-2023). Their home roots are in New England and they currently live in Pennsylvania. Their three daughters and families live spread out between Oregon, Massachusetts, and South Africa. Through a wide variety of life, ministry, and training experiences, the Lord has led her to focus on spiritual transformation in community and ministry service with particular attention to disorienting transitions, ambiguity, diversity, grief and loss, and transiency. Gail has a background in anthropology and pastoral counseling and a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Spiritual Formation. Her research focused on identifying and overcoming obstacles to mutual spiritual formation in community, commonly experienced in disorienting times of ambiguity and transition. Her passion is to help people in disorienting and baffling life experiences overcome obstacles to experiencing genuine Christian companionship.

She joined the board of Accessible Hope because of her strong resonance with Accessible Hope’s commitment to helping people with disabilities overcome multifaceted obstacles to becoming joyful worshippers in the body of Christ, as well as AHI’s three-pronged Equip-Empower-Engage approach to ministry.

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Robyn Chu - Vice chair

Founder and director of Growing Healthy Children Therapy Services

From leading worship to designing and launching a special needs center at a school in Jordan, Robyn Chu has embarked on each adventure in life with a desire to be a light and a blessing.  Robyn is the founder and director of Growing Healthy Children Therapy Services.  She has over 15 years of diverse clinical experience and a passion for helping others. Robyn has spent the last 12 years of her career dedicated to growing her private practice, which is now includes a trans-disciplinary therapy practice nestled on 3.5 acres in the Sierra Nevada Foothills and 2 satellite locations. Dedicated to empowering others to help people with disabilities and learning more about how to help, Robyn also serves as a private practice consultant, mentor, and researcher.

Robyn joined the board of Accessible Hope International because she believes in the transformational power of helping people with different abilities understand their identity in Christ, learning they are wonderfully made with purpose and potential.  She loves how AHI’s approach to supporting people with disabilities by partnering with local communities can create a ripple effect in the whole region. Robyn lives in Northern California and has 3 incredible school-aged children.

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Michelle Asbill - Secretary

Social Worker
Assistant Professor, Asbury University

Michelle Asbill (PhD) is an Assistant Professor in the Social Work Department at Asbury University (Wilmore, Kentucky). While studying for her MA in Intercultural Studies, she traveled to Bulgaria and carried out community development projects in Bulgaria, specifically in the area of agriculture and working with people with disabilities. Michelle’s heart for the vulnerable grew exponentially through her time in Bulgaria; she served in ministry in varying capacities while in Bulgaria and when she returned to the US she pursued doctorate studies on prostitution in Bulgaria with an emphasis on offenders and their understanding of prostitution. Michelle chose to be a part of Accessible Hope International because of its commitment to share the gospel with the least reached, especially the disabled population which is among the most vulnerable of groups.


John Payne - Treasurer

Senior Commercial Analyst, AutoZone

John is a Senior Commercial Analyst at AutoZone, which is headquartered in Memphis, TN and he also volunteers his time, serving on several non-profit boards in the Memphis area. He is an active member at First Evangelical Church, where he has attended church his entire life. He was paralyzed at the age of 18, requiring him to use a wheelchair for mobility. This is also the time where he committed his life to Christ after seeing the incredible support of his family, friends, and the church through his recovery process after the accident. Post injury he went to the University of Memphis where he graduated and then obtained his job at AutoZone. He is married to Sabrina and they have two dogs and live in Arlington, TN. 

John joined the board of Accessible Hope to be a part of a ministry that seeks to provide those with disabilities equal access and inclusion within their communities, and let them know that God loves them and wants them to be a part of His family. 

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Hilda Bih Muluh - Spiritual care coordinator

Founder of The Esther Project

Hilda Bih Muluh is a journalist and broadcaster who has worked for close to fifteen years in her native country, Cameroon. At a young age, she was discovered to have a condition later diagnosed as Muscular Dystrophy. Today, she uses a wheelchair and credits the Gospel of Jesus Christ with saving and giving her a true sense of worth in a culture that regards persons living with disability differently. Her passion to share this Good News of hope with others led her to start The Esther Project in 2014, to encourage the most vulnerable to live out their God-given potential. Hilda is a mouth painter, singer and writer, using her voice to bless and to spur others into a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Hilda joined the Accessible Hope International board to be a part of the mission to see persons with disability transformed by the power of the Gospel and to help them know their true identity as God’s image bearers. She currently lives in Maryland, USA.

Judy Leach

Registered Nurse, MSN & Nursing Instructor (retired)

Judy Leach has served as an RN and nursing instructor throughout her professional career. She is married and has 4 grown children, 10 grandchildren & 1 great-grandchild.  Judy started her nursing career working for Veterans Affairs (VA). In 1970, Judy and her husband, Bud, along with their two children moved to Sierra Leone. During that time Judy served as a part-time RN, and a missionary Compound Hostess, and cared for their growing family (two more children were born while in SL).  Judy also taught Kindergarten to their children and some of the other missionary kids.  When they returned to the US, Judy went back to work for the VA. After completing a Master’s Degree in Nursing, she also taught students at Indiana Wesleyan University. She led 2 teams of students to Ecuador and one to the Tohono Odem Indian Reservation in Arizona for a Transcultural Nursing class and clinical.  Bud & Judy also led 3 teams of undergraduate nursing students to Zambia for IWU’s semester abroad program. Judy also taught Leadership & Management and Community Health courses while in Zambia.  In 2012, Judy took 6 students to Sierra Leone through a Nursing Assistant course at Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital.

Now retired, Bud & Judy spend their time between South Carolina and Indiana, enjoying their family and spending time investing in relationships with their grandchildren. They consider the time spent with their grandchildren as a form of ministry.

Judy counts it a blessing to be able to serve on the Board for Accessible Hope & is so impressed with the ministry among women with disabilities in Sierra Leone and the work being done around the world through our training and other global partnerships. 



President & CEO, Founder

Kim has lived and worked for nearly half of her life in Sierra Leone, being raised there by missionary parents and serving as a missionary in various capacities during her adult life. Kim has served Accessible Hope as CEO since 2009 when it was founded. From 1990-1993, Kim initiated an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) called Community Health Evangelism in Sierra Leone, promoting health education and disease prevention strategies in the rural northern province. From 1998-2002, Kim worked with World Hope International developing and managing a rehabilitation program for amputees following the decade-long civil war. She had an additional 4 years of experience in the US in public health program development and management. She served as a health trainer consultant for the United States Peace Corps for 2 years. Kim is compelled in ministry by the Voice behind her and the faces before her, who need to hear the Gospel in a way that is meaningful to them. Kim has 3 grown children and currently lives in Central Florida.