Our Team

Kim Kargbo

President & CEO, Founder

Kim cut her teeth on missions when she moved to a small West African village at the age of 9. Since then, her life’s focus has been on reaching those who have no access to the Gospel. Kim’s passions lie at the intersection of advocating for those who are victims of injustice and facilitating the spiritual formation of those who labor in that struggle. Kim has served as the President & CEO of Accessible Hope International since 2009, reaching people with disabilities around the world with the hope of Christ through the vehicle of theologically informed Christ-followers. She received her Bachelor's degree in nursing from Indiana Wesleyan University and her Master's degree in Global Leadership from Fuller Theological Seminary. Kim also leads retreats and spiritual formation exercises for ministers of the Gospel around the world, helping those who are serving others live a life of flourishing. Kim has 3 grown children, 2 of whom are married, and lives in Central Florida. She travels around the world teaching, training, and consulting.


Amy Hawkins 

Administrative Director

Amy has a heart for the Lord and a deep desire to see people changed by the power of the Gospel, finding their true identity in Christ and walking a journey of transformation through Him. She has experienced personal transformation through being a part of this ministry and can testify to the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness in all things. Amy lives with her husband Rich and their 5 daughters in Central Indiana.

Jackie Kimani

Training & Curriculum Coordinator

Jackie Kimani is passionate about the vulnerable and unreached receiving hope and life through the Gospel. God used that passion to send her back home to Zimbabwe to serve as a missionary after living in the US for almost a decade. She believes that God is raising a generation of disciples from the “Global South” who will participate in the missionary task - and knows that people with disabilities are co-laborers in that effort. She enjoys traveling and equipping ministries to more effectively reach and love unreached people, especially people with disabilities. Jackie lives in Harare, Zimbabwe with her co-laborer, husband, and best friend, Brian, and their one-year-old “miracle baby”, Spurgeon.

Karen Cooley

International Programs Coordinator

Karen has been passionate about the ministry, the women, and the direction the Lord has been leading Accessible Hope International since the ministry began. Her love for the Gospel being proclaimed across the nations, however, developed when she grew up on the mission field in Sierra Leone. Having been a faithful volunteer and partner with AHI over the years, Karen is thrilled that God opened the door for her to use her skills in a full-time capacity with AHI. Karen lives in Wisconsin, with her husband, Dennis. They have four grown children, two daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren. Karen enjoys spending time with family and traveling to new countries and cultures.

Tessa Smith

Communications Coordinator

Tessa has had a heart for the vulnerable for many years. Her love of travel has allowed her to live and work in several contexts internationally and in the US. She is now living in London, England, with her husband and son. Tessa loves being involved with the amazing work that God is doing through Accessible Hope International.