“Flourish!” seemed like an odd theme in January 2021, with the pandemic still in full force (for who knew how long!). And here we are, STILL in the pandemic, but Accessible Hope HAS flourished this year! Thanks to our faithful and generous ministry partners, our team has grown, our programs have grown, and training has continued, despite the challenges. But even better, women with disabilities who are served by our partners overseas have flourished as well. Many have chosen to follow Jesus and many more have been discipled to know the God who loves them and values them. We pray that YOU have flourished as well in the midst of this difficult season.

The AHI Team
Meet the global team that makes AHI run…
Click on each marker to meet the team.
And our donors around the world! Thank you!

Creation of a New Animated Video to spread the word on "Why Access Matters"

Equipping the global Body of Christ to open wholistic doors of access
15 Made in God’s Image Workshops
USA - 3 online workshops with participants from over a dozen countries facilitated by AHI staff
Sierra Leone - 7 in-person workshops in several locations by WOHSL staff
Burundi - 5 in-person workshops by ADEMA partners
9 Theology of Disability Workshops
Online workshop for group in Nigeria facilitated by WOHSL facilitators
Online workshop for individuals throughout India by two ministry partners in India
7 in-person workshops by ADEMA partners in Burundi
1 Transformation Training/Training of Trainers (for vulnerable women)
AHI & WOHSL staff in person in Burundi

Facilitating Gospel-centered transformation
for people with disabilities around the world
Transformation Training in Sierra Leone
"Because of my hunched back, I was always ashamed and humiliated by people when I went to the river to wash myself, so I didn't bathe very often. As a result, people avoided me and talked badly about me because I was always dirty and had a bad odor. In TT, I learned that I have value and I don't have to be concerned about what people might say about my back when I'm bathing. Now I keep myself clean and people have noticed, mentioning the changes they see in me."
Haja S., Magburaka, Sierra Leone
The lesson on grief and loss made a big impact in Fatu B.’s life. Following the death of her cousin’s child, she intervened on her cousin’s behalf. When others were telling her cousin to stop crying for the loss, saying that “tears would be like fire for the dead,” Fatu confidently encouraged her cousin to cry, knowing that the loss was great. Fatu said that the reaction of the others was one of surprise as she continued to tell them about the stages of grief she had learned in class. Fatu also shared with the facilitators that the women with elephantiasis are learning much and gaining a voice. She believes those in her community will begin to listen to the truths she and her friends have learned.
Fatu B., Kamalo, Sierra Leone
African Disability Network
Once a month, leaders from four countries - Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Liberia, Burundi - met together on Zoom for two hours.
Meetings were led by Phil Smith, Director of Global Partnerships, covering topics such as: Spiritual Formation, Building relationships within this GHP Network, Principles for strengthening your leadership team, Strengthening how we engage with our donors (Fundraising), Developing strategies for transforming the worldview of your community regarding disability, & Updates on ministry activities from each team.
Strengthening the Leadership of our Global Hope Partners
AHI staff members were able to travel to Sierra Leone and Burundi to help strengthen the organization through staff training, capacity building, and organizational development. Four staff members and one Board member spent two weeks in Sierra Leone. Two staff members and the Program Director from WOHSL traveled to Burundi to capacitate the ADEMA Ministry team for implementation of the Transformation Training program. ADEMA Ministries will begin Transformation Training with 15 women in Makamba, Burundi, in February 2022.

We are in conversation with several strategic partners and networks on expanding their own engagement with people with disabilities around the world. These collaborations will multiply the effectiveness of AHI’s mission to reach people with disabilities with the Good News! Stay tuned for more news in the future!
Luke 14 Feast
We had over 250 people participate in our 2nd Annual Virtual Banquet, The Luke 14 Feast. During the event, we shared powerful testimonies of men and women in Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Burundi who have experienced life transformation. During the Luke 14 Feast, we raised $87,051 that has enabled us to continue to walk alongside our Global Hope Partners in Sierra Leone and Burundi as they minister to hundreds of women with disabilities.
Global Prayer
During our Wednesday Global Prayer gatherings at 10 am ET, we have welcomed ministry leaders and partners from North America, Africa and Asia to join us in praying for the needs of this world. It has been a great way to intercede before the Lord as the global body of Christ. Let us know if you’d like to join us!
Mind the Gap
The Mind the Gap Prayer Team is a great way for prayer warriors to engage with the ministry taking place among women with disabilities. Prayer is an essential component for lasting transformation. Individuals can opt-in to be a part of this prayer initiative. “MTGers” will receive weekly emails with stories of transformation, pictures from current TT classes, prayer points for more focused praying, and links to learn more about what the women are learning each week, as well as personal information about the participants, allowing for more specific praying. Sign up here.

Looking Ahead to 2022
As you have read, our programs continue to broaden and we are prayerfully exploring new opportunities to serve the most vulnerable around the world. Yet, while we're excited to see the ministry expand to more people affected by disabilities, we also want to ensure that each program and partner is growing deeper in the Lord, in effectiveness and in wisdom (including our own staff). Continue to pray with us that the many facets of the ministry will flourish because of the investment in growing deeper.
We will also be offering new ways for our many donors and ministry partners to engage the issues of disability and grow in their own biblical understanding around these issues. Stay tuned for information in the near future on exciting ways to engage through “Desserts in the Dark” and our new In His Image video training series.