A Prayer for June
Our theme for 2020 is "Trust & Rest." This is especially timely in these days in which we currently find ourselves. Please join us in trusting and resting in our faithful God as you pray this prayer of trust with us.
It is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
Exodus 31:17
Lord, we thank you that you are a God who has modeled for us the cycle of working AND resting. Both are good things! There is a rhythm to our lives in which you are the center of it all. We pray that you would help us to find that balance. We pray that when we work, we heartily focus on serving you and displaying your glory. Similarly Lord, when we rest, we pray that it’s through abiding in you. Sometimes, if we do not take enough time to rest, we are so prone to chase after entertainment, worldly pursuits and other distractions. But those things don’t truly refresh. Instead, help us to shelter in the shadow of your wings and trust in your provision to find true Sabbath rest. Help us to align our hearts with yours and make you the absolute center of all we do, whether working or resting. Let the rhythm of our lives bring you praise.
Because you are the center of all we do, we pray the world would see your light in us. Direct our gaze to love others as you love them. Give us your heart for the poor, vulnerable, and disabled. Help us to trust your guidance on how to reach out to those who so desperately need your healing touch and care, and create inclusive communities in your church. Grow in us a collective longing to be closer to you, with all of our lives reflecting the rhythm you modeled, whereby you are exalted over all. Help us to simply rest in you in all we do and be refreshed in your presence.
In the name of Jesus, in whom we find our true purpose and rest, we pray. Amen.
Let us know how our team can pray for you.