From Despair to Hope: Mbalu’s Story


It is only because of Transformation Training that I am alive today. Before I began this training, I felt hopeless. I was ridiculed and verbally abused by people in my village because of my disability. I was ashamed of my disability and didn’t like to be with people. One evening my daughter came to me crying. She said her husband was angry with her because of me.  While she was with me, her husband came with a gang of men and verbally abused both of us, calling us names and humiliating me about my disability.  After that event, I lost all hope and didn’t want to live.  

Shortly after that, I started the Transformation Training class. In the very first class, I was told that I have value and purpose. The facilitators told me that God loves me just the way I am and that He sees me and listens to me. I believed what they said, and it gave me new hope. Today I am very happy that I was a part of this training. My life has changed so much because of the things I have learned. I have found a new hope to live and fulfill my purpose.” - Mbalu 

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