A Prayer for September

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Our theme for 2020 is "Trust & Rest." This is especially timely in these days in which we currently find ourselves. Please join us in trusting and resting in our faithful God as you pray this prayer of trust with us.


“Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.”


Psalm 37:5-7a


Father, today we declare that we trust in you. We declare that You are faithful and all your words are true.  We demonstrate our trust in you by letting go of our own plans and giving them to you. We believe that You are good in all your ways, even when they feel painful and bring heartache. Still our hearts today, so that we might hear Your voice and celebrate Your presence in our lives.

Thank you that righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne and are at the very center of Who you are. Father, hear the cries of the oppressed today. Hear the cries of the destitute. Hear the cries of people living with disabilities. Reach them with your justice and may they feel the warmth of Your presence and light. Use us to be your vessels, offering Your hope to those who need your touch. 

Accessible Hope International