Praying Through our Core Values

Our theme for 2022 is Growing Deeper. One of the ways we put down deep roots as a ministry is to ground ourselves in our core values - why and how we do what we do. We invite you to journey with us in prayer as we root ourselves in the values that anchor our ministry securely.

Christ-Centered - Col. 1:17

The first and primary aim of Accessible Hope is to bring honor and glory to God by facilitating the demonstration of Christ’s love and power through His Body, the Church, to people affected by disability and their families. Without the hope of Christ, all development will eventually fade away, leaving the participant in a Christ-less eternity. The only true Hope for lasting change is Christ. We also strive to ensure that every activity we undertake – from programs, to administration, to fundraising and donor care - be done in a manner that glorifies Christ and keeps Him pre-eminent.

Our Father,

We are so grateful for Jesus, and for the Spirit’s resurrection power that gives us life! We long for the Spirit to fill our hearts and our lives to overflowing as we serve the vulnerable. We want you, Jesus, to be honored through all our words, thoughts, and actions. Yet, we confess that often other motives fill our hearts. Guard us, Lord, from all temptations that would draw us away from our love for and service to you. May our desires increasingly find delight in seeing you praised and magnified around the world.

When you were on earth, Jesus, you moved with compassion toward those with disabilities and your great love for them continues to this day. Let Accessible Hope spread your hope to people with disabilities through tangible acts of love, but also continue pointing people to YOU as the ultimate source of true flourishing. May you be magnified through the global Church as your people increasingly open doors of access to those too long left in the shadows. We pray this in your name, Jesus, Amen.