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Disability Resource

In His Image is a 10-episode video series in which individuals and groups can walk alongside two friends, Tendai and Von, as they wrestle with their thoughts, attitudes, and actions toward those living with disabilities in their community. Witness the transformation that takes place in their hearts and minds as they journey with God and realign their thinking with his Word.

Each Monday, a new episode and accompanying Discussion Guide will be released through Accessible Hope’s In His Image WhatsApp group. These tools can be used individually or with a small group to learn together how to better have the mind of Christ about disability. Group members can also forward the videos and Discussion Guides to friends, colleagues, and family members, multiplying the impact of this creative resource.

join AHI’s IN His Image WhatsApp community using the button below.


Episode 1—Who are the Vulnerable People?

In this video, we learn that God is given the name El Roi – “The God who sees.” God sees even the meek and the lowly through His eyes—and His vision is that of love.


Episode 2—Made in God’s Image

In this video, we learn that all people are made in the image of God, meaning that all people have value. God, in His sovereignty, has made people with disabilities in the same way He made all people—for His glory!


Episode 3—Attitudes About Disability

We learn from Proverbs that words have the power of life and death (Proverbs 18:21). One of the greatest illustrations of our attitude toward disability is shown in our words and expressions about those with disabilities. In this video, we learn that our thoughts influence our actions, and our actions and words about people with disabilities are a reflection of our hearts. We need to change the language we use about people with disabilities. Many people with disabilities believe they are cursed, not because of God, but because of us—their community. May we be the first to speak life to all those around us, and may this life be seasoned with the salt of the Good News of Jesus Christ!


Episode 4—Jesus and Disability

Jesus’ earthly ministry was filled with interactions with people with disabilities. He loved them, touched them, spoke to them, and cared for them even though that went against the thinking of his culture. Does this seem to be a reality for you and your community? If we are to be like Christ in the world, the way we act and live should resemble Jesus’ ministry on earth as shown in His Word.


Episode 5—The Whole Gospel for the Whole Person: Part 1

15% of the world is made up of people with disabilities (PWDs), yet many of them are unreached, even in countries where the Gospel is widely available and known. Often, we reserve the work of sharing the Gospel to those who are able-bodied, who are in our own economic bracket, or with whom we feel comfortable. That is if we even share the Gospel at all! Seeing people with disabilities as people who are made in the Image of God helps us see their need to know God. Our work and ministry towards PWDs must be more than just a feeding program, and it must go beyond just sharing the Good News! We will learn more about this in the next video.


Episode 6—The Whole Gospel for the Whole Person: Part 2

Wholism is the idea that each part of the whole must be understood in relation to the whole. A bike pedal can only be understood in relation to the whole bicycle, otherwise, it won’t serve its intended purpose. Although Tendai and Von shared the Gospel with Chenge, Chenge still had broken relationships with himself, with others, and with creation. If we were to compare these broken relationships to the four legs of a chair, it would be as though the chair only had one leg that was not broken. You can’t sit on the chair until all four legs of the chair are restored! When we pursue a wholistic ministry, we begin to understand the person we are ministering to as a whole person—just as Tendai and Von did. As ministers of reconciliation, we need to live out Colossians 1:19-20 as we do ministry—reconciling ALL things back to God!


Episode 7—A Place at the Table

Tendai and Von learned from from Luke 14:12-24 that those who invite the poor and disabled to the table are the ones who will be invited to the feast in the Kingdom of God. They realized their local church did not represent this mandate, and they are working to invite those with disabilities as Jesus commands. When you look at your ministry or church, does it reflect the Luke 14 mandate? 15% of the world’s population has a disability - that is 1 billion people in the world! Does 15% of the population you serve or your church have a disability? What about those who work with you in leadership? Do 15% of them have a disability? If not, why not? People with disabilities are often marginalized and set aside. Even if they are not treated abusively, they are also not treated inclusively – as having an equal role in the Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is poorer when there are no people with disabilities actively engaged in the Body. We NEED them, just as much as they need us. We are all better together.


Episode 8—Changing our Attitudes: Part 1

There are 5 stages that every person must pass through when beginning the process of changing attitudes about people who might be different than us. This is true of ANY kind of difference – race, tribe, ethnic group, socioeconomic group, or people with disabilities.

In this video, Tendai and Von realize that their church needs to recognize God’s heart for people with disabilities and change its thinking and attitude. They work to move the church from ignorance to compassion. They work on a way to raise awareness in the church so that members of the church shift their thinking, and are no longer ignorant of the issue. In the next video, we will learn about all 5 of these stages and how Tendai and Von, by God’s guidance, continue to move their church closer to a biblical worldview of disability.


Episode 9—Changing our Attitudes: Part 2

The members at Tendai and Von’s church went from complete ignorance through each stage, ending with co- laboring with Chenge. As a church community, they desire to reach other people with disabilities. What a joyful change in mindset!


Episode 10—So, What’s Next?

In James 1:19-25, the Bible describes those who hear the Word but don’t do it as being like someone who sees their face in the mirror and immediately forgets what they look like. It is easy to learn all this new information but fail to execute what the Lord has said. To be a faithful Christian, our faith must be demonstrated by our actions. Like Tendai and Von, let this training and the Word of God transform you to have a view of people with disabilities that reflects God’s own heart.


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