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 “I looked for someone among them who would …stand before me in the gap ...”
Ezekiel 22:30

November 2024 — March 2025
Gbendembu, Sierra Leone

Aie Koroma is a young single woman who only recently became involved in Women of Hope’s programmatic services. She was diagnosed with epilepsy a few years ago when she was rushed to the hospital after having a seizure. Aie has finished her Secondary Education (high school) and dreams of attending university. She lives at home with her mother and father, helping them with the farm work. Aie attends church and has a relationship with Jesus.

Aie Koroma

Amie Sesay is a middle-aged widow raising four children ages 10-24 on her own. She struggles to provide for her family with the income she makes from selling greens from her garden. None of her children are in school because she can’t afford the school fees or any of the costs associated (uniforms, books, supplies, etc.). Amie would love to learn a skill so that she could better provide for her family. She professes Jesus as her Savior and attends church regularly.

Amie Sesay

Aminata Mansaray is a middle-aged married mother with three children. She became paralyzed in her left leg when she was a small child. Though she never went to school herself, one of her greatest desires is that the youngest of her children, and the only one in school, would not only complete his secondary education but would desire to further it as well. Aminata provides for her family by growing peppers, peanuts, and rice on her small farm, selling the extra for income. She attends the mosque regularly but also engages in animistic practices.

Aminata Mansaray

Christiana Kargbo is a single young woman who loves Jesus. At two years of age, she became very sick, and after that illness, she no longer had the use of her right leg and foot. While growing up, Christiana’s parents did not allow her to attend school even though she desired to attend. She lives at home but hopes that she can learn a skill so she can one day support herself.

Christiana Kargbo

Fatmata Tarawally is a young married woman with a 12-year-old son. Five years ago, she was in an accident and broke her leg. The break was not set correctly, and now she walks with a limp. Fatmata raises peanuts and cassava, selling the excess for income. She also sells soap and hopes to grow her business so she can better care for her family. She completed secondary education and values education for her son. Fatmata participates in both Islamic and animistic religious practices.

Fatmata Tarawally

Fatu Fonah is a widowed mother raising five children between the ages of 5 and 20. After recovering from an illness as a young child, Fatu was no longer able to walk without limping. Fatu is a professing Christian who attends church regularly. She raises vegetables on her farm and sells the excess to provide income for her family. Her greatest desire is for someone to help her care for her children.

Fatu Fonah

Fatu Kargbo is a middle-aged widow with five grown children (all over the age of 20). After giving birth to her third child, Fatu began having seizures and has lived with seizures since that time. She participates in both Islamic and animistic traditions, praying regularly at the mosque and at home, as well as offering sacrifices. Fatu grows peanuts for resale to provide for her daily needs and her anti-seizure medication.

Fatu Kargbo

Fatu Foday Kargbo is a young married woman who struggles with mobility. When she was a young child, she became quite sick. Her parents took her to the clinic in their village, where she was given some injections. After she recovered from the sickness, she couldn’t move her leg. Fatu is one of two wives of her husband and struggles to care for her needs and the needs of her 3-year-old son by farming because her husband is not caring for their needs. Fatu completed most of her secondary education and professes to be a Christian.

Fatu Foday Kargbo

Fudia Kargbo is a single young woman who loves education. She has finished her secondary education and would love to attend university. Fudia struggles with her speech due to a hearing impairment. She lives at home with her parents. Fudia attends church regularly and professes Jesus as her Savior.

Fudia Kargbo

Isatu Conteh has been dealing with blindness for the past 14 years since giving birth to her second child. Isatu is married and has five children in all. Many family members have abandoned her, and her husband treats her badly because her visual impairment hinders her work on the family farm. Her greatest desire is to be united as a family. Isatu engages in religious practices of both the Islamic and animistic traditions.

Isatu Conteh

Isatu Sesay is a middle-aged married woman who has known a lot of loss in her life. Over the years, Isatu gave birth to six children, all of whom have since passed away. Shocked by the death of her sixth child, she had a complete breakdown, going into a coma-like state for a week. When she came out of her coma-like state, she was gripped with uncontrollable shaking, making it impossible to even feed herself. Isatu cares for her 8-year-old granddaughter but relies on others for provision, as she is no longer able to farm because of her condition. Isatu is a professing Christian, and her greatest desire is to be healed from this condition.

Isatu Sesay

Iye Kamara began the TT class but due to her disability, she was unable to attend after about 4 weeks. On February 5th, we were informed that Iye passed away. Please keep her family in your prayers.

Iye was a middle-aged married mother of two adult children. Recently, she had an episode that left her in the hospital for over three months. As a result of her illness, she no longer had the use of her left arm and leg and used a walking stick to assist her in walking. Iye professed Jesus as her Savior and attended church regularly. She had hoped to engage in a business activity so that she could better provide for herself and her family.

Iye Kamara

Kaday Falama is a middle-aged married mother. She is one of two wives of her husband, and she has five adult children. Her oldest son has abandoned her, which brings her great sorrow, and she prays that their relationship will be restored. Mobility has been challenging for Kaday ever since she injured her hip when she fell into a deep hole several decades ago during the terrible civil war the country endured. Kaday is a practicing Christian. With no educational background, Kaday has a farm which contributes to the family’s provision.

Kaday Falama

Kadiatu Sesay is a middle-aged widow with seven children, the youngest of whom is seven years of age. Kadiatu lost the hearing in one ear many years ago after a sickness following the birth of her first child. She grows peanuts and peppers on her small farm to sell for income, but feeding her family is her greatest struggle. Kadiatu practices both Islamic and animistic religious traditions.

Kadiatu sesay

Marie Conteh is a single young woman who struggles with a hip disorder. As a small child, she suffered from a severe sickness, and upon recovery, she could no longer walk properly. Marie attended school but did not complete her secondary education. She would love to continue her education or learn a skill so that she can provide for herself. She is a Christian and attends church regularly.

Marie Conteh

Nannah Sesay is a middle-aged married woman with one adult daughter. Nannah’s married life has been filled with loss, as eight of her nine children are no longer living. She is currently raising three young grandchildren (ages 3-14). Nannah’s right foot has paralysis, creating mobility challenges for her. She does some farming for income but heavily relies on others for her survival. She would love to have a small business so she could contribute better to the family. One of her greatest family struggles right now is that her daughter is pregnant, and has been abandoned by the father of the child. Nannah practices both Islamic and animistic faith traditions.

Nannah Sesay

Sarah Tarawalie is a young married woman whose greatest desire is to conceive a child. Sarah attended school as a young child but never completed primary school. She has not had the use of her right leg for as long as she can remember. Sarah has a small business of selling parched groundnuts (peanuts). She professes that Jesus is her Savior and attends church regularly.

Sarah Tarawalie

Yadigba Kamara is a widowed mother of two children. Her youngest son is in secondary school, and she struggles to pay for his school fees. She has a farm where she plants peanuts, which she sells so that she can provide for her family. Yadigba has had partial blindness in her left eye since she recovered from a sickness. She is a Christian and attends church regularly.

Yadigba Kamara

Yeabu Kamara is a married mother with three children, ages 10, 12, and 15.  She has had partial blindness in one eye since she survived measles as a young child. Yeabu never attended school while growing up, but her three children are in school, and she hopes they will be able to finish their education. While it is a challenge to pay their school fees, Yeabu tries her best with her small business of selling soap and extra produce from her garden. She said that one of her biggest challenges is her relationship with her husband. Yeabu practices both Islamic and animistic traditions.

Yeabu Kamara

Zainab Kargbo is a widowed mother of seven children between the ages of 4 and 18. Her husband died three years ago, and now she works hard to provide for her family by growing rice and peanuts on her small farm and selling whatever isn’t needed for their personal needs. Last year, she lost vision in one eye in a farming accident. Zainab practices a mix of both the Islamic and animistic religions. Her greatest desire is that her children would be able to remain in school.

Zainab Kargbo

Additional Discipleship Prayer Opportunities

Following Jesus to Abundant Life

Ten women meet for this 15-week discipleship class. The class is a practice-based, formation course that will help them learn more about God and what it looks like to follow Jesus, directly from God and His Word. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher, and the facilitators are only there to provide some structure. After spending time listening to God’s Word and listening to the Holy Spirit speak to their own hearts, participants will dive deeper into the topic through stories, parables, and discussion, learning how to apply the concepts from God’s Word to their own life context.

GROW—Gathering to Receive, Opportunity to Work

The GROW Program is a discipleship and economic empowerment program. Thirty women meet in groups of five twice weekly for one year. They listen to God’s Word on a handheld audio device using pre-recorded Bible stories and discuss what they have heard using pre-recorded questions that pertain to the story. Each woman is given a small business grant, and during their biweekly meetings, they save money in a collective GROW Fund Box and encourage one another in their personal economic endeavors.