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+ Christ-Centered

Colossians 1:17

The first and primary aim of Accessible Hope is to bring honor and glory to God by facilitating the demonstration of Christ’s love and power through His Body, the Church, to people affected by disability and their families. Without the hope of Christ, all development will eventually fade away, leaving the participant in a Christ-less eternity. The only true Hope for lasting change is Christ. We also strive to ensure that every activity we undertake – from programs, to administration, to fundraising and donor care - be done in a manner that glorifies Christ and keeps Him pre-eminent.

  • We will not compromise our commitment to Christ’s teaching and His Word regardless of loss of finance, influence, or reputation.
  • In every decision or juncture the ministry faces, we are committed to discern the will of God through a process of mutual submission and spiritual discernment practices.

+ Spiritually Formed

Matthew 16:26, Psalm 62:1-2

Spiritual formation is the process of being formed into the likeness of Christ – for the glory of God, for the sake of others, and for the abundance of our own souls. Ministry is first and foremost a work within the heart and soul of the minister. Without a deep, transforming, and consistent encounter with the Living God, we will inevitably do more harm than good in the service into which we embark. We are committed to ensuring the care of the soul of every person connected to the ministry, regardless of the cost, from the Chairman of the Board, to the staff, to the ministry leader participating in training, to the person with a disability receiving services. We also hold our members to a consistent standard of healthy rhythms to ensure wholistic health.

  • We promote, practice and pay for the spiritual and emotional care of every individual in our employ. This includes commitment to Spiritual Direction, spiritual care, counseling, personal retreat, corporate retreats, adequate leave, and corporate flexibility.
  • We adhere to and encourage spiritual practices which will nourish the soul of our members including corporate fixed-hour prayer, silence and solitude, retreat, engaging Scripture for transformation, mindful reflection, Sabbath-keeping, sabbatical, and self-examination.

+ Affirming the Imago Dei

Genesis 1:27, Matthew 25:40

Any ministry among people should be centered on the concept of Imago Dei – the image of God. All people everywhere, are made in God’s image. This gives them intrinsic and immeasurable value and worth. People with disabilities are often unaware of their value as image bearers, as those around them have missed this important concept as well. We affirm the inherent value of every human being, regardless of the profundity of her/his disability or productive capacity.

  • We will carry out all activities recognizing that the people we serve are representations of God Himself, embodied in flesh.
  • We use people-first language in referring to any person, regardless of their differences from ourselves.

+ Wholistic Approach

Luke 2:52, Luke 10:27

Because we are made in the image of God, as whole and complex human beings, we cannot separate the spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, social or economic needs of an individual. Unless all of these aspects are addressed as a whole, true transformation cannot occur, in an individual’s life, a community, or a body of believers. This also holds true of how we conduct ourselves as an organization, in our interactions with and management of staff, donors and ministry partners.

  • Every curriculum and resource tool we produce will address all 7 domains of a human being.
  • Staff members and ministry partners will be viewed and cared for as a whole being. “Health” does not refer to the absence of illness, but to abundance of life in all 7 domains.

+ Multiplying Impact

2 Timothy 2:2

True transformation as disciples of Christ carries a replicating effect, and it is our intention to facilitate that on all levels. On a global level, we seek to call the Body of Christ to a greater recognition of and attention to the needs of people with disabilities throughout the world. On a national level, we seek to use whatever tools, stories, processes and principles God entrusts to us to equip and train local church and ministry leaders in a Biblical orthodoxy and praxis regarding people with disabilities. On an individual level, we envision and facilitate the multiplication of Gospel-driven transformation in the lives of individuals affected by disability to their families, communities and the nation. The end result will not only be transformed people, but transformed nations.

  • We value indigenous partners in the process of reaching the whole Church with the Luke 14 Mandate. Local leadership will be utilized for training and equipping whenever that is possible.
  • We will provide adequate and appropriate training in the use of all curricula and training programs, ensuring that local trainers feel equipped and competent in their use and implementation.
  • We will empower local leaders to take the tools created and implement them in their various ministry contexts, being careful to ensure the integrity of the materials but without undue control.

+ Diverse Inclusivity

I Corinthians 12:12-14, Galatians 3:28

We affirm the equal value, worth, and calling of all people at all levels of ministry participation. God has clearly stated the every member of His Body is equally important and critical to the function of His Body. We believe this is essential at all levels of leadership in the ministry - in both staff and board. We seek to be intentional in recruiting and developing leaders with diversity of gender, ethnicity, ability, and race. We also welcome diversity of theological thought on issues where Scriptures have not been unequivocal.

  • We are intentional in filling empty board seats with representation of any essential missing voices in our ministry arena, including Majority World leaders, women, and people with disabilities. These additions will not be token “fillers” but welcome and integral voices in the work to which we have been called.
  • We will actively seek diverse representation in our staffing positions, asking the Holy Spirit to fill gaps that are necessary.
  • We are committed to listen well to voices that tell a story different than our own – with regard to race, ethnicity, ability level, culture, gender, and spiritual background. We will value and validate these stories by our receptive attitudes and proactive responses to them.

+ Addressing Root Causes & Worldviews

Ezekiel 36:26, Proverbs 27:19

We recognize that most problems identified in our world have apparent superficial causes, but deeper, unapparent root causes. These root issues formulate our worldview – the lens through which we view and interpret the world. Without addressing the root causes of issues, or the worldviews that inform our perceptions, the problems will not be eradicated or changed. It is the goal of Accessible Hope to not be satisfied in superficial solutions or behavior modification, but to address the unseen beliefs and root issues that underlie the concerns we seek to alter.

  • All of our training and programs will aim to bring faulty worldviews to light and align them with the Word of God.
  • We are committed to continuous evaluation of our own individual and corporate worldview, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal and heal blind spots of which we are not aware.
  • We are committed to long obedience in the same direction, knowing that the alteration of behavior can be immediate, but the deep, lasting change of one’s worldview takes sustained time and application of Truth.

+ Promoting Biblical Justice

Isaiah 1:16-17

Biblically considered, justice is bringing righteousness to bear in places where unrighteousness exists. It is the righting of all that is wrong and ministering with grace and compassion to the victims that injustice has oppressed. Throughout the world, regardless of the country, there are two groups of people who are intentionally and consistently marginalized and oppressed – women, and those with disabilities. It is our intention to call attention to this oppression and bring Truth to bear for the establishment of justice.

  • We will see discrimination for the injustice that it is, and fight it with the Sword of the Spirit.
  • We will amplify the voices of people who are often unheard, allowing them to speak into their own purposes and futures.
  • We will advocate for the oppressed and seek to bring about justice wherever we see it.
  • We will resist corruption in all of its forms, in all of our areas of ministry, knowing that the perpetration of corrupt systems feeds the machine of injustice systemically.

Colossians 1:17

The first and primary aim of Accessible Hope is to bring honor and glory to God by facilitating the demonstration of Christ’s love and power through His Body, the Church, to people affected by disability and their families. Without the hope of Christ, all development will eventually fade away, leaving the participant in a Christ-less eternity. The only true Hope for lasting change is Christ. We also strive to ensure that every activity we undertake – from programs, to administration, to fundraising and donor care - be done in a manner that glorifies Christ and keeps Him pre-eminent.

• We will not compromise our commitment to Christ’s teaching and His Word regardless of loss of finance, influence, or reputation.

• In every decision or juncture the ministry faces, we are committed to discern the will of God through a process of mutual submission and spiritual discernment practices.

Matthew 16:26, Psalm 62:1-2

Spiritual formation is the process of being formed into the likeness of Christ – for the glory of God, for the sake of others, and for the abundance of our own souls. Ministry is first and foremost a work within the heart and soul of the minister. Without a deep, transforming, and consistent encounter with the Living God, we will inevitably do more harm than good in the service into which we embark. We are committed to ensuring the care of the soul of every person connected to the ministry, regardless of the cost, from the Chairman of the Board, to the staff, to the ministry leader participating in training, to the person with a disability receiving services. We also hold our members to a consistent standard of healthy rhythms to ensure wholistic health.

• We promote, practice and pay for the spiritual and emotional care of every individual in our employ. This includes commitment to Spiritual Direction, spiritual care, counseling, personal retreat, corporate retreats, adequate leave, and corporate flexibility.

• We adhere to and encourage spiritual practices which will nourish the soul of our members including corporate fixed-hour prayer, silence and solitude, retreat, engaging Scripture for transformation, mindful reflection, Sabbath-keeping, sabbatical, and self-examination.

Genesis 1:27, Matthew 25:40

Any ministry among people should be centered on the concept of Imago Dei – the image of God. All people everywhere, are made in God’s image. This gives them intrinsic and immeasurable value and worth. People with disabilities are often unaware of their value as image bearers, as those around them have missed this important concept as well. We affirm the inherent value of every human being, regardless of the profundity of her/his disability or productive capacity.

• We will carry out all activities recognizing that the people we serve are representations of God Himself, embodied in flesh.

• We use people-first language in referring to any person, regardless of their differences from ourselves.

2 Timothy 2:2

True transformation as disciples of Christ carries a replicating effect, and it is our intention to facilitate that on all levels. On a global level, we seek to call the Body of Christ to a greater recognition of and attention to the needs of people with disabilities throughout the world. On a national level, we seek to use whatever tools, stories, processes and principles God entrusts to us to equip and train local church and ministry leaders in a Biblical orthodoxy and praxis regarding people with disabilities. On an individual level, we envision and facilitate the multiplication of Gospel-driven transformation in the lives of individuals affected by disability to their families, communities and the nation. The end result will not only be transformed people, but transformed nations.

• We value indigenous partners in the process of reaching the whole Church with the Luke 14 Mandate. Local leadership will be utilized for training and equipping whenever that is possible.

• We will provide adequate and appropriate training in the use of all curricula and training programs, ensuring that local trainers feel equipped and competent in their use and implementation.

• We will empower local leaders to take the tools created and implement them in their various ministry contexts, being careful to ensure the integrity of the materials but without undue control.

Ezekiel 36:26, Proverbs 27:19

We recognize that most problems identified in our world have apparent superficial causes, but deeper, unapparent root causes. These root issues formulate our worldview – the lens through which we view and interpret the world. Without addressing the root causes of issues, or the worldviews that inform our perceptions, the problems will not be eradicated or changed. It is the goal of Accessible Hope to not be satisfied in superficial solutions or behavior modification, but to address the unseen beliefs and root issues that underlie the concerns we seek to alter.

• All of our training and programs will aim to bring faulty worldviews to light and align them with the Word of God.

• We are committed to continuous evaluation of our own individual and corporate worldview, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal and heal blind spots of which we are not aware.

• We are committed to long obedience in the same direction, knowing that the alteration of behavior can be immediate, but the deep, lasting change of one’s worldview takes sustained time and application of Truth.

Luke 2:52, Luke 10:27

Because we are made in the image of God, as whole and complex human beings, we cannot separate the spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual, social or economic needs of an individual. Unless all of these aspects are addressed as a whole, true transformation cannot occur, in an individual’s life, a community, or a body of believers. This also holds true of how we conduct ourselves as an organization, in our interactions with and management of staff, donors and ministry partners.

• Every curriculum and resource tool we produce will address all 7 domains of a human being.

• Staff members and ministry partners will be viewed and cared for as a whole being. “Health” does not refer to the absence of illness, but to abundance of life in all 7 domains.

I Corinthians 12:12-14, Galatians 3:28

We affirm the equal value, worth, and calling of all people at all levels of ministry participation. God has clearly stated the every member of His Body is equally important and critical to the function of His Body. We believe this is essential at all levels of leadership in the ministry - in both staff and board. We seek to be intentional in recruiting and developing leaders with diversity of gender, ethnicity, ability, and race. We also welcome diversity of theological thought on issues where Scriptures have not been unequivocal.

• We are intentional in filling empty board seats with representation of any essential missing voices in our ministry arena, including Majority World leaders, women, and people with disabilities. These additions will not be token “fillers” but welcome and integral voices in the work to which we have been called.

• We will actively seek diverse representation in our staffing positions, asking the Holy Spirit to fill gaps that are necessary.

• We are committed to listen well to voices that tell a story different than our own – with regard to race, ethnicity, ability level, culture, gender, and spiritual background. We will value and validate these stories by our receptive attitudes and proactive responses to them.

Isaiah 1:16-17

Biblically considered, justice is bringing righteousness to bear in places where unrighteousness exists. It is the righting of all that is wrong and ministering with grace and compassion to the victims that injustice has oppressed. Throughout the world, regardless of the country, there are two groups of people who are intentionally and consistently marginalized and oppressed – women, and those with disabilities. It is our intention to call attention to this oppression and bring Truth to bear for the establishment of justice.

• We will see discrimination for the injustice that it is, and fight it with the Sword of the Spirit.

• We will amplify the voices of people who are often unheard, allowing them to speak into their own purposes and futures.

• We will advocate for the oppressed and seek to bring about justice wherever we see it.

• We will resist corruption in all of its forms, in all of our areas of ministry, knowing that the perpetration of corrupt systems feeds the machine of injustice systemically.